3 Reasons to Have a Tenant Portal for Your Cleveland, Georgia Property

3 Reasons to Have a Tenant Portal for Your Cleveland, Georgia Property

The property management industry has experienced a surge in demand for property management software. The market could experience a growth rate of 8.1% before 2030. If you're not using a tenant portal, you could fall behind competing investors in Cleveland, GA.

The best property management software can save you time, money, and stress. Not convinced that it's time to invest? Read on to discover the top three reasons you need a portal today!

1. Easy Online Payments

Without a tenant portal, renters will have to submit payments in person. Unfortunately, that's not always convenient (for you or your tenants). Over five million households are behind on rent (at an average of over $2,000).

Instead, allow renters to submit online rent payments using a portal. They'll have the ease and convenience of submitting payments based on their schedule. Meanwhile, you can worry less about late payments.

Some portals automatically send late payment notices and charge late fees. You won't have to worry about the stress of bothering tenants for their rent.

2. Streamline Maintenance Requests

If you're managing multiple investment properties at once, remaining organized can get stressful and messy. It's your responsibility to keep up with maintenance requests, find contractors, and schedule repairs.

Without a tenant portal, these requests could fall through the cracks. Instead, allow your renters to submit their requests online.

Using an online portal will allow you to schedule maintenance projects in a timely manner. Neglecting to do so could encourage renters to take legal action. They could complete the repairs themselves (though not always well) and remove the cost from next month's rent.

Renters can even provide detailed descriptions of the problem or photos. This information can help you better assess the issue and determine the tenant's needs. If you hire a property manager, you can track the requests they receive on your behalf.

3. Better Tenant-Landlord Relations

Your renters may get frustrated if they can't reach you outside of normal business hours. Neglecting your tenant-landlord relations could encourage renters to leave. You'll struggle to retain long-term renters if you're not meeting their needs or expectations.

A tenant portal can mitigate this problem by offering renters 24/7 access to the information they need. They can use the portal during non-traditional working hours to:

  • Send inquiries
  • Submit online rent payments
  • Send maintenance requests

Your renters will have peace of mind knowing they can message you with their needs or concerns. Providing them with access to a portal can improve relations, leading to more lease renewals.

Invest in a Tenant Portal Today

Neglecting to use a tenant portal could steal time from your already busy schedule, cause inaccuracies, and lead to upset tenants. Simplify your rental property management this year. Talk to your property management company about using a portal for your Cleveland, GA tenants.

PMI Mountain Gateway is here to help! We have nearly 20 years of industry experience ensuring landlords like you succeed. We use state-of-the-art property management software to boost efficiency and accuracy.

We're the number one property management company in the US (with the awards to prove it). Contact us to discuss offering your tenants access to an online portal.
